9-Year-Old Disabled Boy Forced to Take Exam Outside in Freezing Weather Because He Didn’t Wear a Mask

A 9-year-old disabled boy in Austria was forced to take an exam outside in freezing cold weather as punishment for not wearing a mask.

An investigation is now underway as to ascertain why the student in Voitsberg was treated in such a manner despite having a valid mask exemption.

A photo shows the boy, Jason, sat outside up against the window of the classroom in temperatures of -1 Celsius.

The boy’s parents have hired a lawyer and are now considering moving their son to a different school.

Markus Leinfellner of the Freedom Party of Austria described the incident as an “odd class scandal” after he brought the case to the attention of the Austrian Ministry of Education.

Children are routinely forced to sit outside in freezing cold weather as a result of inhumane COVID-19 rules.

We previously highlighted a case at Waynewood Elementary School close to Alexandria where kids were photographed sitting outside in snow in what officials called a “mask and snack break.”

Last month, kindergarten students in Portland, Oregon were forced to sit outside eating lunch on buckets in the near-freezing cold while socially distanced from their classmates.

Last year, Forbes deleted an article written by an education expert who asserted that forcing schoolchildren to wear face masks was causing psychological trauma.

“Children in masks are also likely to miss out on critical language development, another fundamental area of growth in early years where children from low-income backgrounds already have disproportionate disadvantages,” wrote Zak Ringelstein, who has a a PhD in education from Columbia University.

A study by researchers at Brown University found that mean IQ scores of young children born during the pandemic have tumbled by as much as 22 points while verbal, motor and cognitive performance have all suffered as a result of lockdown and mask rules.


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  • Niall McConnell
    published this page in News 2022-01-18 10:56:03 +0000
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