Trump Healthy After COVID19 Diagnosis
Pres. Trump has left hospital after being diagnosed with COVID19. Despite being in the danger groups, the President is completely healthy after a dose of the fake Kung Flu virus.
Garda Checkpoints Nationwide!
Fines and Garda checkpoints are being rolled out nationwide as we move into Level 3 of the Fake COVID19 lockdown. Are you ready for the new draconian measures?
Helen MacEntee Pushes Refugee Influx!
An all-female lobby group is pushing the government to accept yet another 400 planters! The group wants 400 refugees brought from Lesbos which has been overrun with rioting and disorder after Turkey pushed refugees into Greece.
Tubridy Outburst On "White Supremacy"
Liberal fool Ryan Tubridy took the opportunity to scold Pres Trump for not denouncing "White Supremacy" and the Irish public for our bottomless racism!
Sinn Fein Push Child Transgender Bill In Seanad!
A bill to allow gender changes for under 16's without parental consent is at stage 3 in the Seanad! We have none other than Fintan "Flaming" Warfield to thank for it.
Ex Gay Says Heretical Priests Enabled Him!
Ex Gay Joseph Ciambra exposes the corrupt, heretical clergy that enabled his destructive degenerate lifestyle. Liberal priests told him to marry a man instead of engaging in promiscuous homosexual activity.