
COVID vaccine will be ‘as mandatory as you can possibly make it’ Australian Prime Minister Says

The Prime Minister of Australia made statements on making the mythical COVID19 vaccine mandatory. Whose hands are in his pockets and why are they Big Pharma's?


Scaremogering Begins Again! A Fresh Lockdown For Ireland!

The Free State government is locking Ireland down again, surely devastating rural towns and villages and destroying the future of Ireland's youth!

Marxist O'Gorman Calls For Hate Crime Laws!

When Marxist extremists call for "Active Anti Racism" what they really mean is turning our country into an even more liberal PC basket case.

Goldman Sachs Denies Involvement In Lawless Dublin Eviction!

KBC Bank claims to have to sold the property to Beltany, a Goldman Sachs owned vulture fund, but Beltany claims to not be in possession of the property. If that sounds suspicious it's probably because it is.


RTE Begs For Money While Presenters Bring Home 300k!

RTE is the most overpaid civil service in Irish history, yet they endlessly complain of a lack of funding. Ever thought about cutting salaries?


Massive Job Losses and Recession In Uk Ireland Will be Next!

The UK is going through the homelessness, evictions and job losses that we will in only a few short months. Prepare!

Irish Patriots