
Ireland Leads ID2020 Agenda

at the Heart of ID2020 and
UN 2030 Agenda


Ireland appears to be a central driving force behind the ID2020 and UN "2030 Agenda" that will have huge repercussions for not only Ireland, its sovereignty and its cultural fabric, but the entire globe. The role that Ireland plays is laid out in full in this exposé.

Forgive Them For They Do Not Know What They Do

The sun is shinning, the birds singing in chorus yet a strange otherworldly silence slinks about the country. The silence isn't caused by the lockdown but from an entirely more profound source.

You Shall Not Pass

The new emergency legislation went into force last night with legal effect, retraining many fundamental rights including but not limited to rights of personal liberty ( including freedom of movement), freedom of association and assembly.

Before The Cock Crows

Easter is upon us and the doors to the churches are shut around most of the country. The “land of saints and scholars”, a moniker given to Ireland because of its rich Christian tradition, may soon be replaced with the more accurate “ the land of Sodom and begorra!”.

Not All Villains Wear Masks

It's spring time and a new generation of lambs are being born amongst the numerous flocks that graze nonchalently on the rich pastures and atop the sparser rocky hills of Ireland. The only threat these sheep pose is to a meadow of long grass. Other types of species of sheep are far more dangerous.

DIY Abortions Permitted By Fine Gael And Sham Opponents

Pregnant women will now be prescribed chemical abortions via remote consultations.

Irish Patriots