A Christmas message from the Irish Patriot
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a Holy and peaceful Christmas. I want you to know that I deeply appreciate everything you have done to help me fight for Irelands future this last while.
I am not a politician nor am I a sophisticated man, but I am an Irishman who has pledged his life to save Ireland from the destruction our elites have planned for our people.
The fight is only just stating and in the next twelve months with your help, I plan to launch a fightback campaign the likes of which has not been seen in generations. Peaceful, legal but uncompromising and hard hitting, it must be as we have little time left to save OUR Ireland.
In this sacred cause I pledge you my all and pray you will support me the best you can in the Holy crusade to FREE IRELAND!
Please take some time out to fuss over the little children as it is them, we fight for and please, make some time for our old folk. After all, without our elders none of us would be here at all. Seek out that older relative that first told you of our heroes and martyrs and thank them that through their faith and words YOU stand as a proud Irish patriot this day.
Go mbeannaí Dia daoibh!
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