Stop the PURGE Of Catholic Symbols from our Schools!
Sign and share the NATIONAL PETITION!
Our GODLESS leaders have announced they are PURGING all classrooms and schools of Catholic influences such as mandatory graduation masses, the display of Catholic symbols and visits from diocesan inspectors.
One recommendation by our MILITANT Atheist leaders is that any religious symbols on display should echo the beliefs of the wider school community rather than Catholicism.
This would mean throwing out the crib at Christmas and bringing in Islamic symbols for Eid!
First it was Croke Park, now it is our schools. The Godless have aligned themselves with the forces of Islamism and now the purge against OUR Catholic Faith has truly begun in our schools!
Militant Atheists and Muslims are joining forces to Destroy our Irish Catholic Heritage!
Is this the kind of Ireland you want for your children? I am asking you, as a God-fearing Catholic, to say NO MORE and take a stand for our FAITH and the future generations and help us fight the ASSAULT ON CATHOLICISM!
Help defend CATHOLIC IRELAND by signing the NATIONAL PETITION against the WAR on Catholic schools. Let the anti-Christian liberals and the Islamists know we will not bend the knee!
Stand up and fight or our faith will perish!