Help Stop The Islamisation Of Ireland!

The PC liberals in the GAA hierarchy want to have Muslim's celebrate Eid in Croke Park! this is an attack on our Christian culture and the proud, nationalist history of the GAA.
Islam is a dangerous foreign ideology
We cannot allow the liberal extremists to sell our country down the river and let foreigners plant their dangerous religion in our country. Croker is at the centre of Irish history. The GAA was a pillar of Irish nationalism and now we have to watch as they sell out to the far left extremists taking over our country.
What would the men of 1916 think of Ireland today?
Would they lie down while their country was lost in the New Plantation? Would Dan Breen be too afraid of being called an "Islamaphobe" to stand up for his country?
No! They would rise and fight back against this Anti-Irish lunacy!
Sign the petition to stop Eid being celebrated at Croke Park!