In 2003, American journalist Bill Moyers asked Bill Gates a question. Why, Moyers wanted to know, are you so passionate about reproductive issues? Gates considered. “But did you come to reproductive issues as an intellectual, philosophical pursuit?” Moyers pressed. “Or was there something that happened? [W]as there a revelation?”

“When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things,” Gates answered. “My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so it’s fascinating.”

Fascinating, indeed. In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past several decades, Planned Parenthood is the world’s largest abortion provider. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has kept up the legacy of Bill Gates Sr., granting funding to organizations that distribute the abortion pill as well as International Planned Parenthood. As Nigerian human rights activist Obianuju Ekeocha has noted, the Gates Foundation responds to calls for healthcare with contraception — and worse.

There are many who do not understand why pro-lifers do not trust “philanthropists” such as Bill Gates, George Soros, and others. How can people oppose men who are using their hard-earned fortunes to make the world a better place? Therein, of course, lies the answer — we do not think that abortion and birth control pills and Planned Parenthood sex education are making the world a better place. These men are richer than some small countries and have the ambitions of ideological colonizers.

According to Live Action News, Gates is moving from funding abortion to paying people to promote abortion in European media outlets to further his agenda:

According to Right to Life UK, the foundation announced that it will fund the Innovation in Development Reporting Grant — a media-funding initiative operated by the European Journalism Centre. One of the projects funded by the grant is “Abortion Access in Crisis and Conflict Zones,” which is staffed by Jill Filipovic and Nichole Sobecki — both known for their pro-abortion writing. This project is focused on Bangladesh, Colombia, and Nigeria, and has a budget of €20,000 or $22,540.

The goal of the grant program is to “raise awareness” for certain “issues by enabling the production of stories that have a strong impact on media audiences.” The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a history of funding population control efforts, and Gates has stated that funding “reproductive health” efforts has been “the main thing” on the Gates Foundation’s list of priorities — especially “in the very poorest places.” The “strong impact” it hopes to have on audiences is to convince them that abortion must be legalized in poor nations.


The purpose of this project, Live Action noted, will likely “be heavily skewed to support a so-called need for abortion in Bangladesh, Colombia, and Nigeria — pro-life nations that do not want abortion but are ripe for the picking by international abortion groups already working overtime to legalize abortion throughout South America and Africa.” As COVID-19 and government responses to the pandemic crush local economies worldwide, globalist philanthropists and financiers of ideological projects are using the opportunity to push feticide on unwilling nations.

Consider this for a moment: In an age of fear and desperation, some of the world’s richest people are telling impoverished men and women that what they need is the “right” and the ability to kill their preborn children. With all of the problems facing humanity at the moment, Bill Gates and his class would like us to believe that it is our children that are the problem. This is not philanthropy. This is a sinister justification of the murder of our weakest citizens, funded by the most powerful.


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  • Niall McConnell
    published this page in News 2021-12-30 12:30:00 +0000
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