Cork Anti Lockdown Protest Sees Hundreds On The Streets!
The lockdown isn't set to last, the people are beginning to wake up and smell the bacon!
Over 100 anti-mask and anti-vaccine protesters gathered on Grand Parade in Cork city this Saturday lunchtime.
A range of speakers railed against what they saw as Covid-19 conspiracies on "government tyranny" regarding mask regulation and pandemic policies.
They also railed against 5G phone masts, claiming it's a plan for the government to microchip our children.
One speaker told the crowd that a ring of 5G phone masks was being deployed around Cork which would cover the city with "military grade radiation", while another said the "Irish people would not let themselves be micro-chipped like dogs."
Onlookers stood by and watched as the protesters, who were holding tricolour flags and homemade signs, accused the government of a range of widely-considered conspiracy theories relating to vaccines, masks and phones.
Leaflets bearing the message Coup 19 were handed out- some members of the public attempted to debate with those handing out leaflets but were told they were being "fooled by fake news."
"They are actually trying to kill our children off," said a speaker to the crowd. "It's survival of the fittest as far as they're concerned."
Similar protests have been taking place across the country in recent weeks in locations such as Dublin and Limerick.
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